Transmediterranean research program Euromed 3+3


Mathematical Models and Methods in Cell Dynamics
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The M3CD Euromed 3+3 program, begun on January 1st, 2012, is bound for a total duration of 4 years. Evaluated at mid-term, it has been confirmed in January 2014 for 2014-2015.

It operates as a network and presently comprises 2 French teams, 2 Italian teams, one Spanish team, one Moroccan team, one Tunisian team and one Algerian team. The 5 founding teams, which are INRIA teams Bang, become Mamba on January 1st, 2014, and Dracula, the IAC-CNR (Rome), the University Cadi Ayyad (Marrakesh) and the Pasteur Institute, Tunis, have been met in the network in 2014 by 3 new teams, one in Torino (Politecnico di Torino), one in Valladolid (Universidad de Valladolid) and the most recent one in Tlemcen (Université de Tlemcen, Laboratoire d'Analyse Non Linéaire et de Mathématiques Appliquées).

The network aims at favouring exchanges between research teams on the two sides of the Mediterranean: work meetings, work stays for confirmed scientists and training stays for PhD students and interns, organisation of conferences and workshops.

Research subjects developed in M3CD may include all modelling themes for intracellular and cell population dynamics.

The Euromed 3+3 program, created under the auspices of lNRIA

Participating teams

The program of 2012, updated in 2014

Mid-term report (January 2014)


Publications 2012-2015

Webmaster and network coordinator: Jean Clairambault; last update: September 2015