This file describes the standard installation procedure for Modulef. If your platform (or your environment) has anything exotic, or if you encounter a specific difficulty when following this procedure, please see the detailed documentation, in particular guide #1.

In particular, it is assumed here that you use gmake (the GNU version of make), and that it is implicitly called when invoking the command make. You can simply check this by typing "make -v" that should return something like
 GNU Make version 3.74, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath.
Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
In case it doesn't, but if gmake nevertheless exists on your system, just type gmake instead of make every time. If you don't have gmake, and if you don't want to download it, please see the doc.

Installation procedure:

1) Place the distribution in a directory created for Modulef, that we call root-directory in what follows.

2) Uncompress the file (with gunzip), then extract the subdirectories and files ("tar xvf").

3) Set the LANG environment variable to C (capital C): "setenv LANG C" for csh, "export LANG=C" for sh.

4) In the subdirectory called make, edit the Makefile to set the MR variable to the absolute path of the root-directory.

5) Type make, then choose a system among those proposed.

6) Change directories as indicated.

7) Check the compilation commands and options in the M_config file, as well as the location of the X11 library contained in the variable STDLIB. If you want to make Modulef speak english (with something of a French accent, sometimes!), edit the file to set "LANGUAGE=GB".

8) Type make again. Do not pay attention to the suggestions that print out regarding the peripherals, and re-type make.

... Off you go!

Post-installation operations:

It is necessary to correctly define a number of environment variables to be able to use Modulef. If the installation went fine, the environment files env_csh and env_sh should have been created in the subdirectory (of the root-directory) named like the system chosen in step 5) above.

For example, for a user working with csh, you can add in the .cshrc file the following lines:

setenv MR <path given in 4)>
setenv MM <system name given in 5)>
source $MR/$MM/env_csh
set path = ($Mdpath $path)

Beware: in env_sh, the variable containing the path of the Modulef binaries is called MdPATH.


Many thanks to all those who helped create the free distribution of Modulef, and in particular to Eric Saltel and Marina Vidrascu (INRIA-Rocquencourt) who adapted the INRIA/Simulog distributions, and to Frederic Hecht (Univ. Paris 6 and INRIA) who modified the Makefile to make it more robust.

June 9th 99,

D. Chapelle (INRIA-Rocquencourt)