TD 6, Error correcting codes – The Nordstrom-Robinson code

Introduction to Information Theory

February 10, 2023

The Nordstrom-Robinson code is a block code of length 16 containing 256 codewords. The list of its codewords is given here. It allows to encode 8 bits. It is therefore a code of rate 8/16=1/2.
Beware, today we will really work at the bit level (for instance the codewords will be represented by integers whose bit representation corresponds to the codewords).

1  Minimum Distance

The minimum distance is 6 (this is better than any linear code with the same parameters).

Write a program that calculates the distance enumerator of the code, that is for any distance w between 0 and 16, the number of pairs of codewords at Hamming distance w from each other.

2  Maximum Likelihood Decoder

Write an encoder, a binary symmetric channel simulator and a maximum likelihood decoder. This algorithms returns the closest codeword (with respect to the Hamming metric). This closest codeword might not be unique. Check your programs on the file hamlet.txt. Example:
  java Coder hamlet.txt >hamlet.code
  java Canal hamlet.code 0.01 > hamlet.canal 
  java Decoder hamlet.canal > hamlet.decode
  java Distance hamlet.decode hamlet.txt
Check your program for crossover probabilities in the range between 10−2 and 10−4.

3  Bounded Distance Decoder

5 This code is of minimum distance 6, therefore it can correct 2 errors. Modify your decoder so that it corrects any error pattern of weight 1 and 2, but does not perform any correction otherwise (by returning for instance '*' when more than 2 errors are detected).

Check your decoder by printing the number of errors after decoding and the number of '*'.
Your test may look like
  seth $ java DecoderB hamlet.canal  hamlet.txt > hamlet.decodeB
  n_star= 88
  dist= 2

Appendix A: On the read() method

Recall that the method read() returns an int, which is in fact a byte between 0 and 255, and -1 for the end of the file. To obtain a word of length 16, two read()'s are necessary and they are concatenated in a single int (or short).

Appendix B : bit by bit operations on a byte/short/int