Cyclic codes with few weights and Niho exponents

Pascale Charpin


Jour. Comb. Theory Series A. Volume 108, Issue 2 , November 2004, Pages 247-259.


This paper studies the values of the exponential sums S_k(a), a in GF(2^m), m=2t,
and k is a Niho exponent such that gcd(2^m-1,k)=1.
That is the sum on x of (-1)^{Tr(x^k+ax)} where Tr is the trace function on GF(2^m)
and k is congruent to a power of 2 modulo 2^t-1.
We mainly prove that S_k(a) takes at least four values when a runs through GF(2^m).
This result, and other derived properties, can be viewed in the study of weights of
some cyclic codes and of crosscorrelation function of some m-sequences.

Finite field, cyclic code, maximum-length sequence, Niho exponent, crosscorrelation,
Boolean function, nonlinearity, balanced codeword.