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Project-team COSMIQ

Quick Description

The COSMIQ team is a follow-up of the SECRET research-team since January 1st, 2020.

The research work within the project-team is mostly devoted to the design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms, in the classical or in the quantum setting. It is especially motivated by the fact that the current situation of cryptography is rather fragile: many of the available symmetric and asymmetric primitives have been either threatened by recent progress in cryptanalysis or by the possible invention of a large quantum computer. Most of our work mixes fundamental aspects and practical aspects of information protection (cryptanalysis, design of algorithms, implementations).

We actively reach out to various standardizing bodies (American NIST, ISO/IEC) to answer their call for primitives (e.g. NIST lightweight project, NIST post-quantum competition) or to warn them about existing standards (SHA-1, Kuznyechik).

What Do We Do?

Research Themes

Quantum Algorithms and Cryptanalysis

Quantum computers are expected to significantly disrupt modern cryptography. We investigate the consequences of quantum computing in several ways. First, we devise quantum attacks on both symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic primitives that are based on adapting well known techniques to the new quantum setting. Second, we create entirely new dedicated quantum algorithms and attacks. Our overall goal is to come up with an extensive quantum cryptanalysis toolbox that would allow a precise evaluation of the security of a cryptographic primitive against quantum computers.

Symmetric cryptology

We work on stream ciphers, block ciphers and hash functions. Our investigations consider all aspects of the field, from practical (new attacks, concrete specifications of new systems) to more theoretical ones (study of the algebraic structure of underlying mathematical objects, definition of optimal objects).

Post-quantum asymmetric cryptology

Cryptographic primitives which exploit some problems coming from coding theory provide a good alternative to the commonly used systems based on number theory like RSA. They are usually named post-quantum cryptosystems since they would not become obsolete with the coming up of the quantum computer. We investigate the security of these systems, their practical implementation and the design of fast cryptographic primitives based on codes.

Quantum information theory

The main obstacle towards the development of quantum computing is decoherence, a consequence of the interaction of the computer with a noisy environment. We investigate approaches to quantum error-correction as a way to fight against this effect, and we study more particularly some families of quantum error-correcting codes which generalise the best classical codes available today. Our research also covers quantum cryptography where we study the security of efficient protocols for key distribution, in collaboration with experimental groups. More generally, we investigate how quantum theory severely constraints the action of honest and malicious parties in cryptographic scenarios.

Cosmiq Team Members

Head of the Project-Team

Jean-Pierre Tillich
  • Research topics: post-quantum cryptography, quantum information
  • Personnal Page: link

Project Assistant

Christelle Guiziou
  • Personal Page: link

Permanent Researchers

Anne Canteaut
  • Research topics: Symmetric cryptography, discrete mathematics
  • Personnal Page: link
André Chailloux
  • Research topics: Quantum algorithms
  • Personnal Page: link
Pascale Charpin
  • Research topics: Discrete mathematics
  • Personnal Page: link
Gaëtan Leurent
  • Research topics: Symmetric cryptography
  • Personnal Page: link
Anthony Leverrier
  • Research topics: Quantum algorithms
  • Personnal Page: link
María Naya-Plasencia
  • Research topics: Symmetric cryptography, quantum cryptanalysis
  • Personnal Page: link
Léo Perrin
  • Research topics: Symmetric cryptography, discrete mathematics
  • Personnal Page: link
Nicolas Sendrier
  • Research topics: Coding theory, post-quantum cryptography
  • Personnal Page: link

Post-doctoral Fellows

PhD Students

Jules Baudrin
  • Research topics: Symmetric cryptanalysis
  • Personnal Page: link
Agathe Blanvillain
  • Research topics: Quantum cryptanalysis
  • Personnal Page: link
Aurélien Bœuf
  • Research topics: Symetric Cryptography, arithmetization-oriented primitives
  • Personnal Page: link
Virgile Guémard
  • Research topics: Quantum codes
  • Personnal Page: link
Valérian Hatey
  • Research topics: Code-based cryptography cryptanalysis
  • Personnal Page: link
Axel Lemoine
  • Research topics: McEliece cryptanalysis
  • Personnal Page: link
Dounia Mfoukh
  • Research topics: Symmetric cryptography
  • Personnal Page: link
Charles Meyer-Hilfiger
  • Research topics:
  • Personnal Page: link

Former Members

Former members of the COSMIQ team (as well as of its previous instances SECRET and CODES) are listed on this page.

Regular Collaborators

Last Updated: 08/07/2024