
Les Étoiles de l'Europe award

Our team leader Valérie Issarny received the "Les Étoiles de l'Europe" award for the contribution on the CONNECT european project.

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You can check here the remaining awards.


Colloquium: Laws of concurrent system design

Colloquium d'informatique de l'UPMC – Sorbonne Universités
C.A.R. (Tony) Hoare, Microsoft Research Cambridge

Tuesday 26 November 2013 at 18:00
Location: Amphithéâtre Durand, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Jussieu Campus)


ARLES is contributing to FISSi initiative

The "Future Internet Software and Services" initiative (FISSi) was approved by the OW2 Board of Directors on 28 March 2012. FISSi is defined by a charter which was drafted by the OW2 Management Office. FISSi is an outcome of the CHOReOS project. Inria, as one of CHOReOS consortium key member and an OW2 Strategic Member volunteered to lead the initiative.




Helping develop software for the Internet Future

Imagine a new generation of large-scale applications fully leveraging the underlying power of the Future Internet. Chances are these applications connecting hundreds of millions of services, devices and systems will be made possible by the CHOReOS Integrated Development and Runtime Environment and its service choreography approach. Check out the video, it explains what's at stake, how it works and shows how it applies to your every day life.

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