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A The main modules


A list of the main modules available in the MODULEF library is given below. The modules can be grouped into the following logical units:

  1. Mesh generation:

    APNOPO D Mesh generator activated by a keyword. (super module)
    CONOPO D-3D manual mesh generator requiring a full description of each element. (via module APNOPO and APNOP3 with keyword "MANU")
    TRIGEO D mesh generator requiring a discretization of the contour of the domain (A. George method). (via APNOPO with keyword "TRIA")
    TRIHER D Voronoi mesh generator requiring a discretization of the contour of the domain (Voronoi, Delaunay, Hermeline). (via APNOPO with keyword "TRIH")
    QUACOO D mesh generator for a topologically quadrilateral domain.(via APNOPO with keyword "QUAC")

    QUADRA create a mesh consisting of quadrangles from mesh consisting of triangles (some triangles can be kept in the mesh)
    APNOP3 D mesh generator activated by a keyword.(super module)
    COLIB2 D mesh generator requiring a partitioning of the domain into coarse elements.
    GEL3D1 D mesh generator for a cubic topology from a finite difference type discretization in three directions.
    MA2D3D D mesh generator by stacking layers of a generic 2D surface.(via APNOP3 with keyword "MA23")
    SYMNOP Generate a mesh by symmetry w.r.t. a plane (3D) or a line (2D). (via APNOPO with keyword "SYMD" and APNOP3 with keyword " SYMP")
    TRANOP Mesh translation. (via APNOPO and APNOP3 with keyword "TRAN")
    DILNOP Anisotropic mesh dilation. (via APNOPO and APNOP3 with keyword "DILA")
    DTRI3D Split a 3D mesh composed of tetrahedral, pentahedral and hexahedral elements into tetrahedra.(via APNOP3 with keyword "TETR")
    ROTNOP Mesh rotation (via APNOPO and APNOP3 with keyword "ROTA")
    MODNOP Modify a mesh via one or more geometric transformations. (via APNOPO and APNOP3 with keyword "TRAN")
    NOP2P1 Transform a P2 mesh into a P1 mesh.
    RETRIN Sub-divide a mesh by splitting each element into elements of the same type. (via APNOPO and APNOP3 with keyword "RETR")

    RECOLC Paste to meshes together to form one mesh. (via APNOPO and APNOP3 with keyword "RECO")
    AIGUNO Regularize (sharp angles) a 2D mesh containing only triangles (via APNOPO with keyword "AIGU")
    REGMA2 Regularize a 2D mesh by barycentre. (via APNOPO with keyword "REGU")
    TN2D3D Transform a 2D mesh into a 3D surface. (via APNOP3 with keyword "SU23")
    TN3D2D Transform a 3D mesh into a 2D mesh by setting the sides to zero.
    AFFNOP Refine a 2D mesh locally around some specified vertices. (via APNOPO with keyword "AFFL")
    QUA4TR Split the quadrangles of a 2D mesh into 4 triangles. (via APNOPO with keyword "Q4T")
    TRCOAC Extract the referenced sides and faces of a mesh. (via APNOPO and APNOP3 with keyword "EXTR")
    ADPNOP Define nodes (supports for degrees of freedom) if they differ from the vertices. (via APNOPO and APNOP3 with keyword "ADPO")
    GIBBS Renumber nodes or elements and nodes of a mesh. (via APNOPO and APNOP3 with keywords "RENE" or "RENC")
    PROFIL Renumber nodes or elements and nodes of a mesh (as for module GIBBS). (according to Marro's algorithm)
    AKHHAT Renumber nodes or elements and nodes of a mesh (as for module GIBBS). (according to Akhras Dhatt's algorithm)
    RENUMT Renumber the elements according to the increasing node numbers.
    NUMMIX Renumbering to avoid searching for pivots.
    QUALNO Measure the quality of mesh.

    ISOPIE TRNOPO TRGEOM Plot a 2D or 3D mesh.
    CHARPO Hinges between two beams.
    CHARPL Hinges between two plates.
    INTERF Create flat quadrangles on the referenced edges of a 2D DS NOPO.
    WRNOPO Write a DS NOPO using a coordinate file and a volumetric file.
    NOTRP1 Geometrically transform a DS NOPO containing Ruas triangles at 7 nodes into a P1 DS NOPO.
    AXENOD Calculate the nodal axes at each node construction of an array associated with the DS COOR

  2. Modules associated with the discrete variational formulations:

    COMAC2 COMAC3 COMACO Creates the data structures MAIL and COOR describing the mesh from a topological, metrical and interpolation point of view.
    COFORC Constructs the D.S. FORC which indicates where to find the necessary data for the calculation of the element right-hand-side vectors.
    COMILI Constructs the D.S. MILI which indicates where to find the information necessary (physical properties) to calculate the element matrices.
    THENEW Calculates the element matrices and RHS vectors and constructs the D.S. TAE.
    THELAS Calculates the element matrices and RHS vectors and constructs the D.S. TAE. (old version)
    THERCT ELASCT Replace COMILI, COFORC and THELAS, in thermal and elastic problems respectively, when the material characteristics, forces, or heat sources are constant by sub-domain or boundary section characterized by a reference number.

    THEASS Calculates and assembles the element matrices.
    COTYNO Construct the D.S. TYNO containing the significance of each d.o.f. calculated.
    CTYTAE Transforms a real D.S. TAE into a double precision D.S. TAE and vice versa.
    CORNOE Generates the D.S. COOR containing the nodal coordinates of the mesh.
    BSPLIN Approximate functions by B-Spline methods.
    RECIPE Recuperate the interpolation variable numbers corresponding to the finite element under consideration.

  3. Pointers on degrees of freedom and imposed boundary conditions:

    COBDC1 COBDCL Constructs the D.S. BDCL which describes the constrained degrees of freedom.
    CONDL1 Constructs the D.S. NDL1 which contains nodal pointers for the case when the number of degrees of freedom per node is not constant.

  4. Solution of linear systems:

    PREPAC Calculates the pointers of a skyline matrix.
    ASSMUA Assembles a skyline matrix in main memory (m.m.).
    ASMAPS Assembles a skyline matrix in secondary memory (s.m.).
    CHOLPC Cholesky factorization in m.m.
    CHOLPS Cholesky factorization in s.m.

    ASEMBV Assembles the RHS vectors in m.m.
    ASMBMS Assembles the RHS vectors in s.m.
    CLIMPC Incorporation of boundary conditions in m.m.
    CLIMPS Incorporation of boundary conditions in s.m.
    DRCHPC Solution of a linear system by forward- and back-substitution (CHOLESKY factorization) - skyline matrix - in m.m.
    DRCHPS As above, but in s.m.
    PREPGC Calculation of pointers for a compact matrix (for the conjugate gradient method).
    ASSAMA Assemble a matrix in m.m. in compact storage
    DRGAPC Solution of a linear system by forward- and back-substitution (GAUSS factorization) - skyline matrix - in m.m.
    DRCRPC Solution of a linear system by forward- and back-substitution (CROUT factorization) - skyline matrix - in m.m.
    CROUPC Crout factorization in m.m.
    GAUSPC Gauss factorization in m.m.
    CLIMGC Impose boundary conditions in m.m. for a linear system with a symmetric or non-symmetric compact matrix.
    SIMPGC Iterative solution of a linear system by conjugate gradient without preconditioning.
    SSORGC Iterative solution of a linear system by conjugate gradient with preconditioning by relaxation.
    FANIGC Incomplete factorization (CHOLESKY, CROUT) of a matrix.
    ICHRGC Iterative solution of a linear system by conjugate gradient with preconditioning of incomplete CHOLESKY or CROUT type.
    CONDLU DGRADA Solution of a non-symmetric linear system by the Accelerated Double Conjugate Gradient method.

    RELAX Solution of a linear system in m.m. by a relaxation method with automatic search of the optimal parameter.
    PREPAF Calculation of pointers for the frontal method.
    FRONT Solution by the GAUSS frontal method.
    ADIMFE Solution of a second order linear problem on a rectangle by RAVIART-THOMAS mixed elements (alternative directions of type UZAWA or ARROW-HURWITZ).

  5. Matrix manipulation:

    AMATB Product of a compact matrix and a vector.
    AMAT2 Add 2 compact matrices.
    CCAMAT Delete matrix coefficients of an I.D.S. AMAT in m.m. not satisfying a certain condition.
    CCMUA Compress a D.S. MUA in m.m.
    COSDB Construct a D.S. B.
    CSAMAT Delete matrix coefficients of an I.D.S. MUA in m.m. or s.m. with direct access not satisfying a certain condition, and construct a corresponding O.D.S. AMAT.
    MAXDLB Print the extrema of a D.S. B.
    MUABPC Product of a skyline matrix and a vector.
    MUA2PC Add 2 skyline matrices.
    BDISEQ Store a D.S. B in s.m. with direct access in s.m. with sequential access or in m.m.
    SDB2MC Add 2 D.S. B in m.m.
    SDB2MS Add 2 D.S. B in s.m.

    SYMBEL Create the displacements corresponding to a symmetric domain.
    UNIONB Concatenate a 2 D.S. B into one.
    TAMUA Transform a D.S. AMAT into a D.S. MUA on a direct access file.
    INVERD Invert a matrix by complete Gauss pivoting.

  6. Manipulation of a full symmetric matrix:

    ASSATR Assemble element matrices into a full triangular matrix.
    CLATRI Impose boundary conditions.
    FACTOS Factorize the matrix into form.

  7. Calculation of eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors:

    SECINV Secant method followed by inverse iteration with transformation.
    SSPACE Subspace (inverse)iteration method.
    LANCZO Calculate the smallest eigenvalues by LANCZOS with QR iteration.
    ITEINV Calculate the eigenvalues and vectors by inverse iteration with transformation.
    QRMODU Calculate all eigenvalues and corresponding vectors by the Householder-QR inverse iteration method.

  8. Calculation of stresses and interpretation of results:

    STRESS Calculate the stresses of a continuous medium.
    FLUXTH Calculate the flux or temperature.

    ERREUR Evaluate the sum of the element residues.
    RECOLC Paste two meshes, and their corresponding solution, together.
    DEFNOP Create a deformed mesh from the displacements and an initial mesh (elasticity problem).
    NORME Compare exact solutions with computed solutions for test problems with analytically known solutions.
    NORTAE As above, but the solution is stored in a D.S. TAE.
    COMTAE Compress the D.S. TAE resulting from STRESS to plot the stresses more quickly.
    FOINRE Calculate the stress loads on the contour of a sub-domain.

  9. Plotting results:

    TRNOPO Plot a 2D (and 3D interactively) mesh, and deformations in elasticity (via TRNOXX interactively, or BANOPO in batch).
    TRGEOM Plot a 3D mesh and deformations in elasticity (via TRNOXX interactively, or BAGEOM in batch).
    TRMACO Plot a 2D mesh and/or plot:
    • deformations in elasticity,
    • isovalues,
    • solution vectors (the velocities in fluid mechanics),
    • cut of function solutions or derivatives.
    (via TRMCXX interactively, or BAMOCO, BAISOV, BAVITE, BACOUP in batch)
    TRMC3G Plot a 3D mesh and/or plot:
    • deformations in elasticity,
    • equipotentials on the surface or on a plane of the cut,
    • solution vectors (the velocities in fluid mechanics) on the surface or in the plane of the cut.
    (via TRC3XX interactively)

    TRAKOU Plot curves. (via TRACXX interactively)
    TRISO3 Plot isovalues in 3D on a plane of the cut. (via COUPXX interactively)
    TRSTRE Plot a 2D mesh and/or plot stresses:
    • principal directions,
    • Von Mises'criterion,
    • Tresca's criterion,
    • plastic zones.
    (via TRSTXX interactively, or BASTRE in batch)
    TRFLUX Plot a 2D mesh and/or
    • plot flux normal to a side,
    • plot isotherms for mixed finite elements.
    (via TRSTXX interactively)
    ISOPIE Plot a 2D mesh and level lines of the pressure or piezometric head. (via ISOPXX interactively, or BAISOP in batch)
    TRPOIN Plot the characteristic points and lines of a 2D mesh. (via TRPOXX interactively)
    PRMUAM TRAKOU Plot the profile of a matrix MUA (skyline) or AMAT (compact). (via TRPRXX interactively, and BAPROF in batch)
    V3DFXY Plot a surface, z=f(x,y), by orthogonal sections. (via VIS3XX interactively)

  10. Time-dependent problems:

    TRANSI Solve a time-dependent problem of type thermal or elastic.
    EVOLGE EVOFGE Solve a time-dependent problem by a multi-step predictor-corrector method by GEAR with automatic adjustment of the order (1 to 6) and the time-step.

    EVOLRK EVOFRK Solve a time-dependent problem by a Runga-Kutta method of order 3, improved by Alexander.
    EVOLMP EVOFMP Solve a time-dependent problem by a classical multi-step method of order 1 to 4.
    EVOL2P EVOF2P Second-order time multi-step method with damping.

    The difference between xxxLxx and xxxFxx resides in the fact that the matrices are constant or variable as a function of time.

  11. Fluid mechanics problems:

    NSNCST NSNCEV Solve the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for a viscous incompressible fluid by approximation of non-conforming elements of zero base divergence.
    NSNCPR Calculate the pressure from the above results.
    NSKINC Solve the 2D Navier-Stokes equations by the alternate directions method. The non-linearity is solved by a least squares and conjugate gradient method.
    NSPOAX Solve the axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations.
    DAMIAN Calculate the incompressible fluid flow in a porous medium.
    NSQ2CA PRP1Q2 Solve the two-dimensional non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations. The convection is treated by a characteristic method and a zero divergence base is used to treat the incompressibility.

  12. Non-linear elastic problems:

    SIGELA Solve a unilateral contact problem without friction (Signorini problem and Winkler-Westergaard solid) by an iterative algorithm.

    ELAPLA Calculate the stresses in two- or three-dimensional elasto-plasticity.
    TRSTRE Plot the plastic zones.
    COTAE GDEFIN PRELA3 Solve two or three-dimension large deformation hyper-elastic problems:
    • incompressible material: type Mooney-Rivlin,
    • compressible material: type Ogden.
    TORBIN Solve a BINGHAM fluid flow problem in a cylindrical container (elasto-plastic torsion). (This module is integrated in the non-linear elasticity library.)

  13. Problems with obstacles:

    COMPL Solve variational inequalities where the solution is bounded by complementarity.
    RELAX COMPRX As above, but by relaxation.

  14. Dirichlet problems for a biharmonic operator:

    BIHAP1 BIHAP2 DEDIRI FACMAF GRADCO PRCOL Solve a Dirichlet problem for a biharmonic operator by a mixed finite element method of order 1 or 2.

  15. Decomposition of domain:

    PRSDOM SDOMVR SDOMVD Decomposition of domains, respectively: construction of the operators; single precision iterative Algorithm; double precision iterative Algorithm.

  16. Composite problems:

    GENE2D Composite reinforced by unidirectional fibres: data generation for RESO2D
    RESO2D Composite reinforced by unidirectional fibres: calculation of the characteristics.
    VISU2D Composite reinforced by unidirectional fibres: visualization of the micro-stresses in the composite.

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