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2.2 Other information


You are not obliged to restart the entire execution of the Makefile, but only need to restart a Makefile target ( make target name), for example after an interruption. To do this, you need to place yourself in directory $MR/Install$MM.

The targets which can be executed are the following:

: compile the source libraries;
: create the executable programs again;
: create the direct access files or;
: create the executable programs corresponding to the test programs;
: delete all the Makefile files contained in the source libraries;
: delete all the files generated during the execution of the target traduction: delete all files with the suffixes .original et .ftn ;

: execute the targets clean and cleantrad, delete the directory containing all the binary files ( $MR/$MM);
: create two files, used by the management commands (see chapter 5);
: translate the MODULEF source into English or French). This target must be executed before compiling (target librairies). The translation is only performed if variable LANGUAGE is not empty. The print formats are translate During the translation, only the Fortran files with a translated version different from the initial version are updated, the initial version is saved in files with suffix .original.
: the Modulef libraries are put in the state they were before the execution of the traduction target;

: create, according your graphic peripheral choice, subroutines perfgn and itrctg, compile them and verify if the corresponding archives are up to date.

An archive library, a MODULEF main program, the translation of a library can also be generated in the same manner, by initiating the commands:

This utilization of the Makefile is particularly interesting when we notice that, after having launched the Makefile, certain compilations were not performed correctly, or if we forgot to create certain executables.

After the MODULEF installation, you need to

MR, MM and MV in your environment,

You may now execute the test contained in libraries test and tesd (see Part ii in this user guide). If you wish to produce hard-copies or postscript graphics, it is necessary to adapt command prf_f3d contained in directory $MR/ascii/com.util at your site (see section 4.3.3).

Next: 2.3 Organization of the MODULEF library Up: 2 Installation procedure: UNIX Prev: 2.1 The installation procedure: Contents