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5.1 Introduction

It is possible to visualize one or several functions, F(X). In fact, each function is plotted by joining the corresponding points between them, i.e. the couples X,Y or X,F(X).

These values are input, either via a file (NFIC) containing the following information:

which corresponds to the following read:

         READ (NFIC,*) NBRCOU 
         DO  1 J=1,NBRCOU
            READ (NFIC,*) LE
            READ (NFIC,*) ( X(I),I=1,LE )
            READ (NFIC,*) ( Y(I),I=1,LE )
    1    CONTINUE

or via an analytical expression of the function to be represented.

The module allows a maximum of 10 plots. A plot is a set of curves (maximum 20). Each time we request to read a file (at the start or via key 20), we define a plot. When we input a curve analytically at the start, this will constitute the first plot. Once a plot is displayed on the screen and we define one or several curves (key 18) or interpolations (key 19), these will be added to the current plot. A name is associated to each plot: for a plot resulting from a file, the name is the same as the file name; for a plot defined at the start by means of a function, the name is MANUELLE01. These names enable the user to redo the corresponding plot.

Numerous possibilities are offered to:

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