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3.4 Three-dimensional solutions TRC3XX

3.4.1 Aim and utilization limits

Preprocessor TRC3XX is used to visualize meshes and the corresponding solutions.

In addition, it enables the user to perform cuts on a displayed solution.

The visualization of isovalues, ..., and flux is only possible for certain finite elements.

3.4.2 Utilization of TRC3XX

  1. Activate preprocessor TRC3XX.

  2. Choose the output terminal.

  3. Enter the names of the files containing the mesh (D.S. MAIL and COOR).

  4. The menu appears (see below).

  5. An automatic plot ( mesh only) is obtained by typing 0.

  6. The values of the visualization parameters are obtained by typing V.

  7. Modify, if necessary, these values by choosing the corresponding key and entering the requested information. Once the desired state is obtained, type 0 to display the plot. In particular, key 10 is used to plot the solution associated with the mesh and to choose the type of plot desired. In this case, enter the name of the file containing the solution (D.S. B) followed by the type.

  8. A graphics menu is available on the plot which enables the user to perform modifications to the plot, to quit, or to return to the menu mentioned above and described in the sections which follow.

3.4.3 Complete description of TRC3XX

The first part of this description recollects the different notions necessary for a good understanding of the operations performed when visualizing a three-dimensional mesh and solution.

Observation conditions:

The module computes the extrema corresponding to the mesh and solution automatically. These extrema is used to define the corners of the box in which the plot will be displayed.

The observation conditions of a three-dimensional mesh are defined in the same manner as for TRNOXX, to which the reader is referred.

The automatic visualization mode corresponds to a default choice of , and . In manual mode, the user indicates:

The type of observation mode and corresponding parameters are displayed in the menu (keys 15 and 16, or keys 15, 17 and 18). Once a plot has been displayed, the two sets of parameters are indicated and the user can easily change from one observation mode to another.


In the three-dimensional case, the readability of a plot is closely related to the manner in which it is plotted. There are several types of plots:

The notion of visibility is interpreted differently according to the capabilities of the terminal used. For a terminal without selective deletion, an edge is called visible if the normal of the face to which it belongs is directed towards the observation point . This simple algorithm presents some imperfections. For more advanced terminals, it is replaced by a a "painter" type algorithm: the faces are sorted and then plotted by starting by those furthest off, so that only those faces that are not hidden by the closer up faces are visible on the plot.

Choice of items to display:

A three-dimensional mesh can be displayed by plotting:

The faces can be colored-in, or not.

The general menu of TRMC3G (module called in this case) is given below.

 | 10 | PLOT TYPE                 |  MESH ONLY
 | 11 | DEVICE NUMBER             |       1
 | 12 | PLOT TITLE                |
 | 16 | LONGIT. LATIT.  APERTURE  | 30.00000  30.00000  10.00000
 | 88 | STEREO VISION             |   NO
 | 20 | D.S. MAIL TO PLOT         |  amin2.mail
 | 20 | D.S. COOR TO PLOT         |  amin2.coor
 | 31 | QUESTIONS ABOUT A D.S.    |   NO
 | 30 | PLOT SIZE                 |  AUTO
 | 40 | CHARACTER TYPE            |  HARD
 | 50 | ITEMS TO PLOT             |  OUTER SURFACE EDGES (ALL)
 | 51 | COPLANAR EDGES            |  ELIMINATED
 | 53 | COPLANARITY CRITERION     |    0.1000000E-04
 | 54 | COLOUR-IN FACES           |   COLOUR-IN FACES
 | 60 | LEGEND                    |  YES
 | 70 | NUMBER                    |  NONE
 | 80 | LINE TYPE (MESH)          |  SOLID

A default value is proposed for each option. We only visualize the mesh by default. To view a solution, we need to select key 10. The above table lists the choices made automatically. To obtain the corresponding plot, type 0.

A key (number) and status corresponds to each item. To modify the status, it suffices to type the key and enter (see general introduction) the values corresponding to the desired state. The list of keys is given below:

Key 10:
the plot type: mesh only (default value), by typing 10 we can also plot: Some additional lines will then appear on the general menu (see below).
Key 11:
the device number.
Key 12:
the title which will appear on the plot in the general legend part.
Key 20:
the names of the files containing the mesh (D.S. MAIL and COOR). To change files, we activate this key and input the new file names.

Key 15:
the observation mode: longitude, latitude and span (default mode). By typing 15, we change from one mode to another (point viewed, observation point) for which the parameters are accessible via keys 17 and 18.
Key 16:
the observation conditions, i.e. the values of and (by default 30, 30 and 10 degrees respectively). To modify these values, type the key number and enter the new values.
Key 31:
by activating this key, we can "inquire" about the D.S. and obtain information regarding their contents.
Key 30:
the plot will be full screen, otherwise the user must specify the size in cm.
Key 40:
the type of characters plotted: hardware (by default), software if not.
Key 50:
the choice of items to plot: the triangulation (by default). By activating this key, we have a choice between:
       NOTHING (CHECK ONLY)      : 0
    ** SURFACE EDGES (ALL)       : 1
    ** ALL ELEMENTS              : 7
       ALL SHRINKED ELEMENTS     : 8 ?
Key 51:
the edges belonging to two adjacent faces, coplanar (by default) w.r.t. the coefficient contained in key 53, are not plotted. By typing 51, all edges are plotted.
Key 53:
the coplanarity coefficient (0.00001 by default), by typing this key the default value can be modified.
Key 54:
the faces are colored-in (yes, by default), type 54, to obtain the inverse choice.
Key 56:
orientation of the faces (yes, by default). This signifies that during the elimination of the hidden faces, we only plot the faces facing the observer. By selecting this key, the opposite state is obtained.
Key 88:
stereoscopy (no, by default), yes by typing 88 (if the terminal allows it).
Key 60:
the general legend (there is a legend by default) corresponds to the indications appearing to the right of the plot (see examples: title, date, file name, ...). By typing 60, we specify that we do not want the general legend.
Key 70:
the numbers to be displayed, none (by default) or, by activating this key, the choice between:

    NO NUMBER     : 0
    ELEMENT : 1 - NODE  : 3
    SUB-DOMAIN         : 4
    REFERENCE (ALL)    : 5
    REFERENCE EDGES    : 8 - FACES : 9
Key 80:
the type plot desired: solid (by default) or, by activating this key, the choice between:
    SOLID      : 1  --   DOTTED    : 2
    DASHED     : 3  --   MIXED     : 4 ?

Once a plot is displayed on the screen, a graphics menu appears which allows us to:

Mesh only and cut:

Request first a plot of the mesh (see above). The menu is as indicated above. The plot example given corresponds to the following sequence:

Figure 3.10: Example TRC3XX 3D: mesh, seen faces 

Departing from the plot displayed we then define a cut via the graphics menu to obtain a plot shown in figure 3.11, in which the cut plane is displayed, by inputting the following data:

Figure 3.11: Example TRC3XX 3D: cut through the above mesh 


Activate key 10 and choose option 1. it is then necessary to input the name of the file containing D.S. B containing the solutions (displacements or velocities interpreted as displacements). The enlarged menu (additional keys indicated with an asterisk) is given below.

 | 10 | PLOT TYPE                 |  MESH AND DEFORMATION
 | 11 | DEVICE NUMBER             |       1
 | 12 | PLOT TITLE                |
 | 16 | LONGIT. LATIT.  APERTURE  | 30.00000   30.00000   10.00000
 | 88 | STEREO VISION             |   NO
 | 20 | D.S. MAIL TO PLOT         |  amin2.mail
 | 20 | D.S. COOR TO PLOT         |  amin2.coor
 | 21 | S.D. B USED               |  amin2.b
 | 24 | LOAD CASE                 |       1
 | 27 | TABLE B4 SELECTED         |       1
 | 22 | DEFORMATION RATIO         |     100.0000
 | 31 | QUESTIONS ABOUT A D.S.    |   NO
 | 30 | PLOT SIZE                 |  AUTO
 | 40 | CHARACTER TYPE            |  HARD
 | 50 | ITEMS TO PLOT             |  OUTER SURFACE EDGES (ALL)
 | 51 | COPLANAR EDGES            |  ELIMINATED
 | 53 | COPLANARITY CRITERION     |    0.1000000E-04
 | 54 | COLOUR-IN FACES           |   COLOUR-IN FACES
 | 60 | LEGEND                    |  YES
 | 70 | NUMBER                    |  NONE
 | 80 | LINE TYPE (MESH)          |  SOLID

A default value is proposed for each option. The above table lists the selections made automatically when plotting deformations. Type 0 to obtain the plot.

A key (a number) and a status correspond to each item. To modify the status, it suffices to type the key and enter the values corresponding to the status desired (see the general introduction). The list of keys is given below:

Key 10:
the plot type: mesh and deformation (default value).
Key 11:
already seen.
Key 12:
already seen.
Key 15:
already seen.
Key 16:
already seen.
Key 88:
already seen.
Key 20:
already seen.
Key 21*:
the name of the file containing the solution (D.S. B). To change files, activate this key and enter the name of the new file to be consider.
Key 24*:
the load case to consider (1 by default). This value must lie between 1 and NDSM, the total number of load cases present in D.S. B.
Key 27*:
array B4 to consider (1 by default). This value must lie between 1 and NBBLOC, the total number B4 arrays present in the D.S.
Key 22*:
the deformation amplification ratio (100. by default), this value can be changed by activating this key.
Key 31:
already seen.
Key 30:
already seen.
Key 40:
already seen.
Key 50:
already seen, we stipulate similarly the manner in which the deformations are plotted.
Key 60:
already seen.
Key 70:
already seen.
Key 80:
the type of plot lines desired: solid (by default) or, by activating this key, the choice between:
    SOLID      : 1  --   DOTTED    : 2
    DASHED     : 3  --   MIXED     : 4 ?

Once a plot is displayed on the screen, a graphics menu appears, as for the other modules, which allows us to execute operations (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (P T E Q), (C), (8) and (9) already present for a plot of a mesh only.


Activate key 10 and choose option 2. It is then necessary to enter the name of the file containing D.S. B containing the solutions. The enlarged menu (additional keys are indicated by an asterisk) is given below:

 | 10 | PLOT TYPE                 |  MESH AND ISOVALUES
 | 11 | DEVICE NUMBER             |       1
 | 12 | PLOT TITLE                |
 | 16 | LONGIT. LATIT.  APERTURE  |  30.00000  30.00000  10.00000
 | 88 | STEREO VISION             |   NO
 | 20 | D.S. MAIL TO PLOT         |  amin2.mail
 | 20 | D.S. COOR TO PLOT         |  amin2.coor
 | 21 | S.D. B USED               |  amin2.b
 | 24 | LOAD CASE                 |       1
 | 27 | TABLE B4 SELECTED         |       1
 | 32 | UNKNOWN CHOSEN            |       1
 | 32 | MNEMONIQUE CHOSEN         |  VN
 | 25 | NUMBER OF ISOVALUES       |      20
 | 26 | CHOICE FOR ISOVALUES      |   MIN < ** < MAX
 | 72 | ISOVALUES PLOT            |   COLOUR LINE
 | 34 | COLOR-VALUE IMPOSED       |   YES
 | 31 | QUESTIONS ABOUT A D.S.    |   NO
 | 30 | PLOT SIZE                 |  AUTO
 | 40 | CHARACTER TYPE            |  HARD
 | 50 | ITEMS TO PLOT             |  OUTER SURFACE EDGES (ALL)
 | 51 | COPLANAR EDGES            |  ELIMINATED
 | 53 | COPLANARITY CRITERION     |    0.1000000E-04
 | 54 | COLOUR-IN FACES           |   COLOUR-IN FACES
 | 60 | LEGEND                    |  YES
 | 70 | NUMBER                    |  NONE
 | 80 | LINE TYPE (MESH)          |  SOLID

A default value is proposed for each option. The above table lists the selections made automatically when plotting the isovalues. Type 0 to obtain the plot.

A key (a number)and a status correspond to each item. To modify the status, it suffices to type the key and enter the values corresponding to the status desired (see the general introduction). The list of keys is given below:

Key 10:
the plot type: mesh and isovalues (default value).
Key 11:
already seen.
Key 12:
already seen.
Key 15:
already seen.
Key 16:
already seen.
Key 21*:
the name of the file containing the solution (D.S. B). To change files, activate this key and enter the name of the new file to be consider.
Key 24*:
the load case to consider (1 by default). This value must lie between 1 and NDSM, the total number of load cases present in D.S. B.
Key 27*:
array B4 to consider (1 by default). This value must lie between 1 and NBBLOC, the total number B4 arrays present in the D.S.
Key 32*:
the number of variational unknown to consider (1 by default), this value must lie between 1 and NINCFV (see D.S. MAIL), the number of unknowns, and the mnemonic of the unknown to be considered (VN by default).
Key 25*:
the number of isovalues (25 by default, value used for a black-and-white terminal). Activate this key to change this value.
Key 26*:
the extreme isovalues. By default the minimum and maximum are determined automatically as the minimum and maximum of the values contained in the D.S. To change these values, activate this key and select only that part of the solution which is desired.
Key 72*:
the plot type for the isovalues (by default, in color if the terminal allows it, or black-and-white if not). We have the following choice:
      0 : COLOUR LINE
      1 : COLOURED-IN
Key 35*:
the isovalues are plotted on the surface (by default), or in the body.
Key 45*:
the choice of color spectrum (by default from red to blue). We have the following choice:
   STANDARD  : RED TO BLUE           : 1
   RAINBOW   : RED TO MAGENTA        : 2
   BLACK AND WHITE                   : 5
Key 46*:
spectrum direction.
Key 34*:
to associate a color with a value (specify, for each color, the value to associate with it).
Key 71*:
the isovalue markings (no markings by default). Activate this key in order to display isovalue numbers from place to place; in addition, the isovalues are plotted by changing the line type modulo the number of possibilities.
Key 31:
already seen.
Key 30:
already seen.
Key 40:
already seen.
Key 50:
already seen.
Key 51:
already seen.
Key 54:
already seen.
Key 56:
already seen.
Key 60:
already seen.
Key 70:
already seen.

Key 80:
the type of plot lines desired for the mesh: solid (by default) or, by activating this key, the choice between:
    SOLID      : 1  --   DOTTED    : 2
    DASHED     : 3  --   MIXED     : 4 ?
and for the isovalues (for a plot of lines without markings) with the same choice.

Once a plot is displayed on the screen, a graphics menu appears, as for the other modules, which allows us to:

The only new feature is the item to obtain the value of an isovalue. There are several ways of performing this interrogation. One way corresponds to typing the letter and clicking on the isovalue under consideration, as for the two-dimensional case (see TRMCXX).

Figures 3.12 to 3.13 correspond to a plot of stress isovalues of a homogenization problem. The first plot is done without marking the isovalues, but by clicking (action (S) in the graphics menu) on certain isolines in such a way that the corresponding value appears on the screen. The second figure shows a plot of isovalues on a cut.

The plots were obtained by typing the following sequences:

  • figure 3.12 : -1 amin2.mail amin2.coor 10 2 amin2.b 50 2 54 51 0 S S S 8 2 bw ncadre nlogo x12 y12 ftrmc33 v
  • figure 3.13 : P P P P 8 2 bw ncadre nlogo x12 y12 ftrmc34 v

Figure 3.12: Example TRC3XX 3D: Mesh and isovalues 

Figure 3.13: Example TRC3XX 3D: Isovalues on a cut 


Activate key 10 and choose option 3. It is then necessary to enter the name of the file containing the D.S. B containing the velocities. The enlarged menu is shown below:

 | 10 | PLOT TYPE                 |  MESH AND VELOCITY
 | 11 | DEVICE NUMBER             |       1
 | 12 | PLOT TITLE                |
 | 16 | LONGIT. LATIT.  APERTURE  | 30.00000    30.00000    10.00000
 | 88 | STEREO VISION             |   NO
 | 20 | D.S. MAIL TO PLOT         |  amin2.mail
 | 20 | D.S. COOR TO PLOT         |  amin2.coor
 | 21 | S.D. B USED               |  amin2.b
 | 24 | LOAD CASE                 |       1
 | 27 | TABLE B4 SELECTED         |       1
 | 29 | BIGEST ARROW IN CM.       |     2.000000
 | 28 | ARROW ENDS                |       1
 | 41 | TRANSPARENCY              |   NO
 | 36 | ARROWS PLOTTED            |   YES
 | 31 | QUESTIONS ABOUT A D.S.    |   NO
 | 30 | PLOT SIZE                 |  AUTO
 | 40 | CHARACTER TYPE            |  HARD
 | 50 | ITEMS TO PLOT             |  OUTER SURFACE EDGES (ALL)
 | 51 | COPLANAR EDGES            |  ELIMINATED
 | 53 | COPLANARITY CRITERION     |    0.1000000E-04
 | 54 | COLOUR-IN FACES           |   COLOUR-IN FACES
 | 60 | LEGEND                    |  YES
 | 70 | NUMBER                    |  NONE
 | 80 | LINE TYPE (MESH)          |  SOLID
 | 80 | LINE TYPE (ARROWS)        |  SOLID

A default value is proposed for each option. The above table lists the selections made automatically when plotting the stresses. Type 0 to obtain a plot of the mesh.

A key (a number) and a status corresponds to each item. To modify the status, it suffices to type the key and enter the values corresponding to the status desired (see the general introduction). The list of keys is given below:

Key 10:
the plot type: mesh and velocities (default value).
Key 11:
already seen.
Key 12:
already seen.
Key 15:
already seen.
Key 16:
already seen.
Key 88:
already seen.
Key 20:
already seen.
Key 21*:
the name of the file containing the solution (D.S. B). To change files, activate this key and enter the name of the new file to be consider.
Key 24*:
the load case to consider (1 by default). This value must lie between 1 and NDSM, the total number of load cases present in D.S. B.
Key 27*:
array B4 to consider (1 by default). This value must lie between 1 and NBBLOC, the total number B4 arrays present in the D.S.
Key 29*:
the maximum arrow size (2 cm by default). This value can be changed by activating this key.
Key 28*:
the type of arrows. The manner in which the arrowheads are plotted can be specified as follows:
   EXTREMITY OPEN , FIXED         : -2
The arrowhead is open (2 lines) or closed (a triangle), and its "length" is calculated as a function of the size of the arrow (which is related to the velocity modulus) or fixed (for all the arrows) to a value specified by the user.
Key 41:
the transparency (no by default).
Key 36:
plot arrows (yes by default).
Key 31:
already seen.
Key 30:
already seen.
Key 40:
already seen.
Key 50:
already seen.
Key 51:
already seen.
Key 56:
already seen.
Key 60:
already seen.
Key 70:
already seen.

Key 80:
the type of plot lines desired for the mesh and arrows: solid (by default) or, by activating this key, the choice between:
    SOLID      : 1  --   DOTTED    : 2
    DASHED     : 3  --   MIXED     : 4 ?

Once a plot is displayed on the screen, a graphics menu appears, as for the other modules, which allows us to execute operations (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (P T E Q), (7 X A Z), (8) and (9) already described.

The only new feature is the item to obtain the value of a velocity. There are several ways of performing this interrogation.One way corresponds to typing the letter and clicking on the isovalue under consideration, as for the two-dimensional case (see TRMCXX).


The cuts are obtained directly by using the graphics menu.

3.4.4 P1 interpolation of the solutions

When plotting the isovalues of a solution it is necessary to define exactly what we want to plot. The finite elements used (described in D.S. MAIL) can be more, or less, rich (as a function of the degree of interpolation chosen).

The plot program is purely P1 and applies to the case of a triangular type element. Using the solution values at the three vertices of the triangle, the isovalues present in the triangle are calculated.

Consequently, each finite element must be decomposed into the most judicious set of triangles such that the quality of the interpolation is preserved: it does not correspond to making beautiful plots but plots conforming to known information. The decomposition must therefore satisfy this concern. It corresponds thus to interpreting each element in terms of P1 triangles.

For the three-dimensional case, program RANPQ3 decomposes the triangles and quadrilaterals (plot of the 3D finite elements on the visualization plane) into triangles.

Subroutine RANPQ3 uses a certain number of element subroutines. To add a finite element corresponds to adding the appropriate branch and using the appropriate element subroutine or writing a new one (each one very simple). To govern the computation, we have at our disposal the geometric code, the number of points and nodes and the arrays containing the points and nodes for the present element (it seems that with this information we are able to recognize all the elements without ambiguity).

Indeed, it is necessary to take program RANPQ3 and modify it to such that it is analogous to program RANGPQ in the two-dimensional case. However, at present we lack the courage and time!

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