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5.1 Installation of the commands

The MODULEF library management commands are supplied with the source code and are found in directory $MR/ascii/com.util ([note] Variable MR has the same value as during installation.).

Before using these commands, it is necessary to make sure that your site is configured correctly, and that these commands are adapted to your machine.

Warning: We assume in this section that we are working with shell csh. However, other shells ( sh, ksh, ...) can of course also be used.

5.1.1 Configuration of your site

Initialization of the variables


It is necessary for all MODULEF users to define the following variables in file .cshrc([note] or .profile for shell sh.):

root of the directory where MODULEF is installed;
MODULEF version (sta);
the name of the machine on which you work;
the search path, it must be incremented by the following paths:

compilation command for FORTRAN subroutines;
compilation option for FORTRAN subroutines;
compilation command for C subroutines;
compilation option for C subroutines;
link command;
link command with bit relocation;
libraries to include during linking;
option to redirect the output when linking;
access path to shell commands;
access path to MODULEF source libraries.

To help the reader initializing the above variables, he/she should consult the variables defined during the installation of MODULEF, found in file $MR/make/Install$MM.

All these variables can, for example, be declared in file modulef.csh and stored in directory $MR/ascii/com.util. Consequently, all persons wishing to use the MODULEF environment need only add the following line in file .cshrc in their home directory:

source absolute path/ ascii/com.util/modulef.csh

Please consult Appendix H for an example of file modulef.csh

Creation of file sourcelist and command reponse

The existence of these files are indispensable as they are used by the library management commands.

indicates the library in which a file can be found. It is up-dated automatically when modifications are made in the MODULEF library using the management commands described in this section.
analyses the response to questions for which the response is either yes or no.

These two files are created by the installation Makefile found in directory
[4] $MR/make/Install$MM. If these two files have not been created during installation, enter the following commands:

B$ cd $MR/make/Install$MM

B$ make gestion

Protection of the MODULEF library source code


Read access to the source libraries ( batc bihm ... vis3) and their contents is given to all. On the other hand, write access can be protected by choosing one of the following options:

  1. Nobody is given write access.

    This protection is assigned by entering the following commands:

    B$ cd $ms

    B$ chmod -R a-w *

  2. All persons belonging to the same group as the MODULEF library are given write access.

    This protection is assigned by entering the following command:

    B$ cd $ms

    B$ chmod -R gu=rw *

The disadvantage (or advantage) of the first proposition is that only the owner of the account where the library is found may use the management commands to modify, compile or delete an element in the library.

On the other hand, this restriction disappears in the second proposition. Everybody belonging to the same group as MODULEF can modify the library by using (or not) the library management commands!

Having created your environment, we can now go ahead and adapt the management tools to your machine.

5.1.2 Commands adapted at your site

Some of the commands you received are not only machine-dependent, but also dependent on your personal choices (text editor, ...). It is therefore necessary to adapt the following commands to your site:

ar_ and voir.

Command: voir

Command voir is used to visualize source files. In this command, the variable EDITOR needs to be initialized.

Command: ar_


The command ar_ is an improved archive command. To adapt it to your site, it suffices to delete command ranlib if it is not defined on your machine (for example Silicon Graphics).

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