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7.1 Trees

The tree of TRNOXX, in 2D, is shown below:

    TRNOXX    preprocessor
    TRNOPW    questioner
    TRNOPO    the general module
       TRNOMM      object's extrema
       TRNOFE      windows
       TRNOMA      masks
       CONSAR      construction of the edges
       TRNOGE      general plot of mesh NOPO 2D  
       TRNOLE      graphics menu
         ZOOMPL    ZOOMNO              zooms  
         TRNODE                        point displacement
         SOFOPE    TRNOGE   SOFFIN     soft-copy 
         HARDCP                        hard-copy


    TRNOGE      general plot of mesh NOPO 2D  
       TRNOTR   TRNOSH     triangulation or shrink
       TRNOLE              legends

The tree of TRNOXX, in 3D, is schematically;

    TRNOXX    preprocessor
    TRNOPW    questioner
    TRGEOM    the general module
       TRGEMM      object's extrema
       TRNOFE      windows
       TRNOM3      masks
       TRGEGE      general plot of mesh GEOM 3D  
       TRNOL3      graphics menu 
         TRSAUV    TRGEGE   TRREST     soft-copy 
         HARDCP                        hard-copy

    TRGEGE      general plot of mesh GEOM 3D
       CONARF   construction of the edges
       DEFARV   seen edges
       TRARET  TRARSH   triangulation or shrink
       TRNOL3   legends

The tree of REFEXX is schematically given by:


    REFEXX   preprocessor 
       REFERW   preparation module
          DEFMFG  windows
          REFEGE  general module 
             DEFMFG  windows
             TRGEMM   extrema 
             MESAG0  REFETR  REFTRA REFSHR  display
                     CUTCAR  cut
                     MAICUT  isovalue
             GETABS   menu  
                HARDCP   hardcopy 
                REFSOF   softcopy

The tree of TRMCXX is schematically given by:


    TRMCXX    preprocessor
    TRMACW    questioner 
    TRMACO    the general module
       TRMCMM      object's extrema
       TRNOFE      windows
       TRNOMA      masks
       CONSAR      construction of the edges
       TRMCGE      general plot of mesh NOPO 2D  
       TRMCLE      graphics menu
         ZOOMPL    ZOOMNO              zooms  
         TRMCVA                        value of an isovalue
         SOFOPE    TRMCGE   SOFFIN     soft-copy 
         HARDCP                        hard-copy


    TRMCGE      general plot of mesh MAIL COOR 2D 
       TRMCIS              plot isovalues
       TRMCTR   TRMCSH     triangulation or shrink 
       TRMCVI              plot velocities
       TRAFLE              plot arrows
       TRMCFL              plot flux
       TRMCOU              cuts
       TRCOLE              cut legends
       TRMCLE              legends

The tree of TRC3XX is schematically given as:

    TRC3XX    preprocessor
    TRMC3W    questioner
    TRMC3G    the general module
       TRMCMM      object's extrema
       TRNOFE      windows
       TRNOM3      masks
       TRMC3T      general plot of mesh GEOM 3D  
       LEGMC3      graphics menu
         PLNCUT   TRC3VA  inquire values
         TRSAUV   TRMC3T   TRREST     soft-copy 
         HARDCP                       hard-copy


    TRMC3T      general plot of mesh GEOM 3D
       CONARF   construction of the edges
       DEFARV   seen edges
       TRARET  TRARSH   triangulation or shrink  
       CUTCAR  MAICUT   cuts
       CALISO  INIISO   isovalues
       TRMC3I  VITCUT  TRMC3V    velocity isovalues 
       TRNOL3  LEGMC3   legends

The tree of TRSTXX is schematically given as:


    TRSTXX   preprocessor 
       TRSTRW   questioner
          IMPISO  temperature
          TRSTRE  general stress module
             TRNOFE   windows
             TRNOMA   masks
             TRSTMM   extrema 
             TRSTGE   display
             TRSTLE   menu 
                ZOOMPL   ZOOMNO  zooms
                HARDCP                   hardcopy 
                SOFOPE  TRSTGE  SOFFIN   softcopy
          TRFLUX  general temperature and flux module
             TRNOFE   windows
             TRNOMA   masks
             TRFLMM   TRTEMM   TRSTMM    extrema 
             TRSTGE   display
             TRSTLE   menu 
                ZOOMPL   ZOOMNO  zooms
                HARDCP                   hardcopy 
                SOFOPE  TRSTGE  SOFFIN   softcopy

The tree of TRACXX is schematically given as:


    TRACXX    preprocessor
    TRACOW    questioner
       DEFGRA  DEFGRX  DEFGRY  axes and graduations
    TRAKOU    the general module 
       TRNOFE      windows
       TRACMA      masks
       TRACGE      general curve plot 
       TRACLE      graphics menu 
         ZOMTRN                        zoom  
         SOFOPE    TRACGE   SOFFIN     soft-copy 
         HARDCP                        hard-copy


    TRACGE   general plot
      POLY2 or SYMB2   plot with lines or symbols
      TRAAXE           plot of axes and graduations
      TRACLE           legends

Below follows a flowchart corresponding to the creation of the axes of VIS3XX indicating, for a given command level, the results or movements within the tree for a given response.

                         AXES GRAPH_MENU


   1    ( or aspect )        ===> [A]
   2    ( or mod_const)      ===> [B]
   3    ( or leg_axes )      ===> [C]
   4    ( or nb_axes )       ===> [D]
   5    ( or edit_contr)     ===> [E]
   6    ( or (return) )      ===============> QUIT_DIALOGUE

 [A] : Graduation_aspect   (level 1)
      Modify_reference_box ?
      no     ===============> [A1]
             <-- new value

      [A1] : Modify_color_axes ?
      no     ===========================> [ COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]
             <-- new R,V,B   (3 values)
             ===========================> [ COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]

 [B] : Construction_of_axes_mode   (level 1)
      Modify_current_mode ?
      nn    =======> [COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]  or [X1] depending on the mode value
             -1      ====================>  [ COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]     
              1      ====================>  [ COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]     
              2      =============>  [X1]

      [X1] : Manual_construction (level 2)
            Change_current_number_of_axis ?
            no  ==============================> [X11]
                 <-- new value ( 1 to 10)
            [X11] : parameters defining the axes
                    --> Loop over the number of axes
                    |      REP  number of point of departure
                    |      REP  number of final point
                    |      REP  value of point of departure
                    |      REP  value of final point
                    |      REP  graduation scale code
                    |      REP  output code 
                    |      REP  construction mode of graduations
                    |      REP  write format for numbers
                    |      REP  line thickness
                    |      REP  character enlargement factor in x
                    |      REP  character enlargement factor in y
                    |      REP  enlargement factors for dashes
                    |      REP  number of reference intervals 
                    |      REP  number of sub-intervals
                    |      REP  length of elementary interval
                    |   Legend_on_axis ?
                    |      REP no   ==================> [X12]
                    |          yes
                    |              REP  legend
                    |              frame legend ?
                    |                   REP yes
                    |                       no
                    |                   Position of legend ?
                    |                   REP value ( 1 to 8)
                    |  [X12] : Vector (+axis)  determine printing plane
                    |          REP  U1,U2,U3
       ====================  QUIT !!!  =====================>

 [C] : Axis_legend   (level 1)
       Definition or Modification of legends on the axes ?
       no          =======================> [ COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]
         -->   Loop over 3 main axes
         |     Modify legend axis i ?
         |           no   ==========> end of loop
         |           yes
         |               <--  new legend
      ===============================> [ COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]

 [D] : Number_of_axes  (level 1)
      Modify the current number of axes?
      no     ========================> [ COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]
          <-- new value
              ================================> [ COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]

 [E] : Edit the axis parameters    (level 1)
      Verify axes parametres ?
      no          =======================> [ COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]
         -- > [E1] : Number of axis to verify ?
         |           0   ===============> [ COMMANDS_LEVEL 0 ]
         |           i   ( i>0 and i<10  ======> [E2]
         |          --> [E2] :  Label number ?
         |          |           0        ==================> [E1]
         |          |
         |          |           1  (numbers of points defining the axis)
         |          |              I1(i),I2(i) ================> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           2  (extremity values)
         |          |              V1(i),V2(i) ================> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           3  (Reference indicator)
         |          |              IREF(i)     ================> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           4  (Graduation mode and parameters)
         |          |               MODG(i),NGRAD(i),NSUB(i),XINT(i)
         |          |                  ========================> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           5  (Number format)
         |          |              NF(i)   ====================> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           6  (Reference frequence on axis)
         |          |              NFG(i)  ====================> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           7  (Amplification factors for characters)
         |          |              XHX(i),XHY(i)  =============> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           8  (Amplification factor for dashes)
         |          |              XTIR(i)   ==================> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           9  (Line thickness)
         |          |              EP(i)     ==================> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           10 (Legend position)
         |          |              IPLA(i)  ===================> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           11 (Legend)
         |          |              new legende  ===============> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |           12 (Vector (+axis) defining print plane)
         |          |              D1(i),D2(i),D3(i) ==========> [E2]
         |          |
         |          |-----------------------------------------<

Below follows a simplified tree of VIS3XX:

    VIS3XX    preprocessor 
    VIS3DW    general program
    V3DIN     initializations
    V3DFXY    function definitions 
    V3DAFF    definitions of display conditions
    WILLIT  WRIGTT   plot
    ECREF   ECREF1   legends

The tree of TRPRXX is schematically given as:


    TRPRXX    preprocessor
    TRPROW    questioner
       PRMUAM  read matrix
       DEFGRA  axes and graduations
    TRAKOU    the general module  (see {\bf TRACXX})

The tree of TRPOXX is schematically given as:


    TRPOXX    preprocessor
    TRPOIW    questioner
       TRPOIN  the general module
         LIRLIG COLIGN  the lines
         TRNOFE   windows
         TRNOMA   masks
         TRAPGE   general plot
         TRPOLE   graphics menu
            ZOOMPL    ZOOMNO              zooms  
            TRPOPO                        point position
            SOFOPE    TRAPGE   SOFFIN     soft-copy 
            HARDCP                        hard-copy

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