WCC 2001
International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography
January 8-12, 2001, PARIS (France)
The workshop is organized by INRIA and sponsored by the Ecoles de Coëtquidan.
It will be held, as WCC'99, at the "Cercle national des Armées", in the heart of Paris, at walking distance from
the Avenue des Champs-Élysées.

The official languages are English and French.
Announcement and Call for papers
You can see there the Call for papers in an html version.
You can get the ascii file (English, French).
Preliminary information.
All authors of accepted talks are invited to submit a full
paper for the proceedings to appear as a special issue of Discrete
Applied Mathematics journal. See instructions to authors.
Registration Form
There is no online registration. You need to download the registration
form, print it on your local printer, fill it and send it by surface
mail. Please download the registration form either in PDF (20k) format or in PostScript (210k) format.
Instructions to authors and submission
Instructions to authors are provided, both for papers
presentation and for submission.
Contact Information
If you need to contact us, see the Contact
Last modification on January, 17th 2001.