WCC 2003
International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography
March 24-28, 2003, Versailles (France)
The workshop is organized by INRIA and ENSTA.
It will be held at INRIA, in
Versailles, at 20 km from Paris.
You can visit the Web sites of the previous editions of the workshop:
WCC 2001 and WCC'99.

The workshop is sponsored by the Ecole Supérieure et d'Application des Transmissions, by the Université de Limoges, by the Délégation Générale pour
(DGA), by the European Research Consortium for Informatics and
Mathematics (ERCIM) and by France Telecom R&D.
The official languages are English and French.
Conference Themes
Our aim is to bring together researchers in all aspects of coding
theory, cryptography and related areas, theoretical or applied.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Coding theory: error-correcting codes, decoding
algorithms, related combinatorial problems.
- Cryptology: block and stream ciphers, hash functions, public key
cryptography, secret sharing, authentication, intellectual property
- Discrete mathematics and algorithmic tools arising from
these two areas, such as :Boolean functions, sequences, finite fields,
algebraic systems and related polynomial properties...
Important dates
Submission of an extended abstract by |
November 29, 2002 |
Notification by |
January 31, 2003 |
Final version for the book of abstracts by |
February 13, 2003 |
Announcement and Call for papers
You can see there the Call for papers in an html version. (PDF version).
The paper submission is closed.
Registration Form
Registration is now open.
You need to download the registration
form, print it on your local printer, fill it and send it by surface
Please download the registration form either in PDF (20k) format or in PostScript (121k) format.
Hotels information
INRIA is much closer to Versailles than
Paris. We therefore strongly recommend that you stay in Versailles
during the workhop.
Keep in mind that Versailles is a very visited touristic town and
therefore the hotels are very busy. Early
reservations are recommended.
For people having problems to find accomodation in Versailles, we recommend
you to book a hotel in Paris near the train station "Gare Montparnasse".
Here is a list of hotels in Versailles and in Paris
Accepted papers and invited talks
Here is the list of accepted papers (51
among 106) and of invited talks.
Up-to-date information
Last modification on March 13, 2003.