INF587 Quantum Information and Applications


This course is an introduction to the concept of a quantum computer. It uses quantum-mechanical principles and generalizes classical computers. It has been demonstrated that such a computer can solve in polynomial time problems that are considered to be hard for a classical computer such as factoring large integers or solving the discrete logarithm problem (this is Shor's algorithm). The security of virtually all public-key cryptography used in practice right now relies on the hardness of these problems and a quantum computer would break those cryptosystems. It has also been found that such a computer is able to search in an unstructured set much more efficiently than a classical computer (this is Grover's algorithm). We will cover in this course the bases of quantum computation and present the main quantum algorithms that offer a speedup over classical algorithms. We will also cover other applications of quantum mechanics, such as simulating physical systems or quantum cryptography. The latter exploits the laws of quantum physics to establish the security of certain cryptographic primitives, such as key distribution protocols.


Project/Final exam


Oral examination schedule

Tuesday March 17, PC 24
Schedule élèves
13h00-13h40 Erwin Kuhn
13h40-14h20 Florian Hofhammer
14h20-15h00 Briac Thomas
15h00-15h40 Louis Dubois
15h40-16h20 Thimothée Paquatte